European Association of State Veterinary Officers
EASVO was founded in 1980 and represents veterinary inspectors and Official Veterinarians, most of whom are employed in State Veterinary Services.
Whilst veterinarians in practice (our colleagues in UEVP) are the sector of the veterinary profession best known to the public, we have a key role in protecting public and animal health and welfare.
All veterinarians receive a thorough basic training, encompassing all animal species and diseases, and our members then specialize in one or more particular disciplines to deliver this role (e.g. epidemiology, animal welfare and ethics, transboundary diseases, delivery of Official Controls).
Today EASVO has 18 member organisation and one observer member and represents veterinarians working for our national governments from all over Europe.
Our mission
Our vision
Ensuring the well-being of humans and animals
We live in a rapidly changing world where many people and animals are living closely together and can travel rapidly between countries and continents. Veterinarians, united in EASVO, are at the centre of this world and guard and protect the well-being and welfare of humans and animals. This is achieved by ensuring the safe production of food and feed, and preventing or containing diseases and zoonosis, all in line with the principle of “ One Health”.
Our Strategy
New EASVO Strategy 2022-2025
We are delighted to announce that we have adopted our new EASVO Strategy for 2022-2025 delivering our vision of “Ensuring the well-being of humans and animals” and aligning with the FVE Strategy themes and “One Health/ One Welfare/One World” principles to deliver across the 3 themes of Healthy Animals, Healthy People and Healthy Environments.
Engagement in FVE working groups

EASVO is a member of FVE
FVE is the European representative body for the veterinary profession in Europe. FVE’s mission is to enhance animal health, animal welfare, public health and the protection of the environment by promoting the veterinary profession.
The EASVO Board 2023-2025 consists of a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary General, and a Treasurer. The present board was elected during the EASVO General Assembly held in Brussels on 16th November 2023.

Mark McCarthy

Vice President
Andrea Leutgöb-Ozlberger

Vice President
Mikko Turku

Secretary General
Ole-Herman Tronerud

Cornelia Rossi-Broy
The EASVO Network
Österreichischer Verband der Amtstierärztinnnen und Amtstierärzte (OVA)
Vereinssitz: Hartberg
Zustelladresse: Stroheimer Straße 6
4070 Eferding
Tel: +43 664 5153029.
Czech Republik
Komora veterinarnich lekaru Ceské
Novoměstská 1965/2, 621 00 Brno, Czech Republic - Řečkovice
Tel: 549 256 407
Email: vetkom@vetkom.cz
Suomen Eläinlaäkäriliitto (SELL)
Aleksis Kiven katu 52-54
00510 Helsinki
Tel: +358 9 7745 4810
Syndicat national des inspecteurs en santé publique vétérinaire (SNISPV)
10, place Léon Blum – 75 011 Paris
Tel: 01 44 93 30 00
Bundesverband der beamteten Tierärzte (BbT)
Hahnstr. 70
60528 Frankfurt
Tel: 0049 69 669818-0
Icelandic Veterinary Association
Postholf 10263 - 110 Reykjavik
Tel: 500169-2309
Email: dyr@dyr.is
Ireland Veterinary Officers Association (VOA)
12 Fleming's Place
Dublin 4
Sindacato Italiano Veterinari Medicina Pubblica (SIVMP)
Via Nizza 11 - 00189 Rome
Email: segrenaz@sivemp.it
Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde (KNMvD)
De Molen 77, 3995 AW Houten, Netherlands
Tel: 0306348900
Email: info@knmvd.nl
Den Norske Veterinærforening (DNV)
Keysersgate 5, 0165 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 99 46 00
Email: dnv@vetnett.no
Krajowa Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna (KIL-W)
al. Przyjaciół 1 lok. 2; 00–565 Warszawa
Tel: (+48 22) 628–93–35
Email: vetpol@vetpol.org.pl
Sindicato Nacional dos Médicos Véterinàrios (SNMV)
Rua Filipe Folque, nº 10 J, 4º dto
1050-113 Lisboa
Tel: 213 129 370
Consejo General de Colegios Veterinarios de España (CGCVE)
C/ Villanueva nº 11 - 28001 MADRID
Tel: 914 353 535
Email: consejo@colvet.es
Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärzte (GST)
Brückfeldstrasse 18
3012 Bern
Tel: +41 (0) 31 307 35 35
Email: info@gstsvs.ch
Association of Government Veterinarians (AGV)
Division of BVA, 7 Mansfield Street - W1G 9NQ London
Den Danske Dyrlægeforening (DDD)
Peter Bangs Vej 30
2000 Frederiksberg
Tel: +45 38 71 08 88
Email: ddd@ddd.dk
Sveriges Veterinärförbund (SVF)
Kungsholms Hamnplan 7, Stockholm
Tel: +46-8-545 558 20
Email: kansli@svf.se