On 16th November 2023, the EASVO General Assembly took place in Brussels.
We agreed to support all of the items for vote on the FVE General Assembly agenda, and enjoyed interesting discussions on several issues. A significant proportion on your agenda were the EASVO Board elections: Mark McCarthy (IE) was elected as President, supported by two Vice-Presidents – Andrea Leutgöb-Ozlberger (AT) and Mikko Turku (FI), Secretary General – Ole-Herman Tronerud (NO) and Treasurer – Cornelia Rossi-Broy (DE).
An exchange of views followed on Animal Welfare during Transport and we were grateful to be joined by the WOAH sub-regional representatives Estelle Hamelin and Thomasz Grudnik , to discuss their work on long-distance transports of animals. During these discussions we agreed to recommend that FVE and the AWWG consider to provide technical expertise and advocate further for harmonised implementation of achievable animal transport rules in all European countries, and third countries, including for companion animals and horses.
Importantly we also discussed EASVO business, and heard that our finances were in good health. In line with the objectives of the EASVO Strategy 2023-2025, we discussed the analysis of the workforce survey, and have nominated an EASVO representative to the new FVE Veterinary Public Health and Sustainability Working Group as well as to the FVE/UEVP Medicines Working Group. We held our usual discussions of items of interest for our members, including the progress of the EAZWA AHL Guidance Handbook.
And last, but not least, we held a joint session with all FVE Sections on One Health.