EASVO General Assembly

06 June 2019, Bratislava, Slovakia

On 6th June 2019 the EASVO General Assembly took place in Bratislava at the Radisson Blu Hotel.

We heard about the progress on the implementation of the Official Controls Regulation, Animal Health Regulation and the work of the FVE AWWG, and we agreed to vote in favour of the 3 AW papers presented for vote at the FVE GA (end of life horses, early neutering in cats and lameness in dairy cattle).

We also agreed to vote in favour of the position paper on dry cow treatment and we were joined by UEVH (Hygienists) and the FVE and AVMA presidents for a joint session on the Wellbeing of Government Veterinarians - this included the UK's Mind Matters Initiative.

It was also really interesting to hear presentations from some of our members on their veterinary services database and risk-based Official Controls in Portugal and the successful eradication of ASF in the Czech Republic.

We then spent some time discussing the challenges that OVs face in assessing long distance (and particularly 3rd country) journey logs under Regulation (EC) 1/2005 and this generated several recommendations to the FVE board and AWWG.

And last, but not least, we heard from FEEVA’s president, Mette Uldahl, on their communications initiative for practitioners on West Nile Fever in horses.