FVE General Assembly ZAJEČÍ – report
EASVO was delighted that so many of our members were able to meet in person in Zaječí, and all members who were not able to attend sent their voting positions by proxy. EASVO members were joined by Beth Sabin Head of Global Outreach for the AVMA and, as always, were ably supported by Wiebke from the FVE team. EASVO agreed the voting positions for the new FVE Board and to support the other items for vote on the FVE General Assembly agenda.
The members enjoyed interesting discussions on several issues and welcomed honoured guest speakers, Rafael Laguens, President of the World Veterinary Association, speaking about “Veterinary is a Health Profession”, and Estelle Hamelin from WOAH speaking about the recent WOAH General Session and the important Animal Health Forum themed discussions on Avian Influenza.
EASVO members were updated on actions from our new EASVO Strategy – the representative on the new AWWG is EASVO Vice-President Mark McCarthy and EASVO nominated a representative for the new Veterinary Public Health and Sustainability WG. Importantly, the Workforce Survey was successfully completed with 425 responses and, along with an initial analysis, and EASVO agreed on the next steps for more analysis, integration with the FVE 3rd survey of the profession and the actions that will flow from this information.
And subsequently, EASVO is delighted to report that President Jane Clark has been elected to be a Vice President on the next FVE Board (2023-25) where she will be able to represent the views of EASVO along with the wider Veterinary Profession in Europe.