On 4th June 2020, the EASVO General Assembly took place virtually by "GoToMeeting"
There was great sadness that we were unable to meet, in person, in London for the GA this year but conducted an interesting and valuable “virtual meeting” supported by the FVE team. There were no items for vote on the FVE General Assembly Agenda so we focussed on the feedback from our members.
A key discussion point was the impact of Covid-19 on our members and we reflected that this was a “One Health” challenge and that we are really proud of the way that the European Veterinary profession has responded and maintained Official Controls, keeping the food chain moving to maintain the supply of safe food and protect Animal Welfare. We identified some themes to feedback to the FVE GA on vets supporting the human health response; the impact on the wellbeing of everyone in the food chain; the use of emergency legislation with the main message that the meat food chain has been prioritised; supporting the economy; and some of the challenges around resources – especially PPE/RPE.
We also reflected on the proposed FVE strategy and are keen to re-engage with the process. We questioned whether a more fundamental review was required in light of the Covid-19 impacts and lessons learned but agreed that the themes identified are relevant to the whole profession and EASVO is ready to engage, support specific initiatives and, potentially work with the FVE team on developing a parallel EASVO strategy.
And finally, we were grateful to the FVE board and officials for reviewing the Section Fee structure which is so important for our financial sustainability.