Previous General Assemblies

November 2018

EASVO General Assembly

Rome, Italy

Last 8th November the EASVO General Assembly took place in Rome at Roma Eventi Piazza di Spagna.

Here we heard updates on the progress in the implementation of the Official Controls Regulation and Animal Health Regulation with EASVO members effectively engaged in that new WG.

Animal Welfare was also covered and the work of the FVE AWWG with EASVO agreeing to vote in favour of the 2 papers (AW professional owner’s education and animal-based indicators) with some feedback to be provided during the recommendations to the FVE GA. We also updated our recommendation that Aquatic Animal welfare is considered in their future work programme to include insects and other invertebrates.

The UK gave a pre-publication presentation of AGV's survey on Government Veterinarian’s wellbeing which was very well received and we propose to hold a joint meeting with UEVH at the June GA.

Norway gave an interesting presentation on how they have approached the monitoring and plans for eradication of CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) in Reindeer (and other cervids).

Italy then led a discussion on the challenges and opportunities of using data to provide an evidence base for risk analysis and the paradox that, in preventative medicine, success can result in a reduction of the perceived need for the intervention. We concluded that, as veterinarians, we should embrace advances in technology and deploy evidence based interventions when providing advice to politicians and the public.

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June 2018

EASVO General Assembly

Bergen, Norway

On 7th June 2018 the EASVO General Assembly took place in Bergen at Bryggen.

The GA covered updates on the progress of the implementation of the Official Controls Regulation with EASVO highlighting the value of the input of FVE in developing position papers and highlighting the key role of the Veterinarian along the whole food chain.

We also discussed the rapidly developing implementation of the Animal Health Regulation and recommended that the FVE establish a WG in this important area.

Animal Welfare was also covered through the work of the FVE AWWG and we agreed to recommend that Aquatic Animal Welfare is considered in their future work programme.

We then joined UEVP (Veterinary Practitioners) in an interesting joint session with EASVO and UEVH (Veterinary Hygienists) on “One Health” in Norway and we heard a quote from Barak Obama in 2014 that, in our globalised society, “A health threat anywhere is a health threat everywhere”.

Finally, we discussed developing an VETCEE dossier for a Veterinary Public Health qualification and concluded that we will work with EVERI (Vets in Education, Research and Industry) and UEVH on this.

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