Working Documents

One of the most important tasks for FVE and EASVO is building up, improving and maintaining links and relationships with the key policy makers in the EU institutions in order to establish and maintain a credibility as a serious player and to influence the decision making process in the EU.

FVE position paper on coccidia control in poultry

FVE has revised its position paper in light of the new VMP Regulation Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease, which is...

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FVE position paper on Animal Welfare labelling

FVE recognises in its FVE position paper on Animal Welfare labelling that veterinarians as knowledgeable and accountable...

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FVE inputs for the revision of the Transport Regulation: 10 points

At the June 2022 General Assembly, FVE members adopted its position on the revision of the Transport Regulation with a list...

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The FVE Animal Welfare strategy

The FVE Animal Welfare strategy clarifies FVE’s vision of the European veterinary profession’s role in animal welfare,...

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FVE position paper: Moving towards more welfare-friendly farrowing systems

In November 2021 at the General Assembly, the FVE adopted a new position paper on the need to move to more animal...

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FVE position paper: Veterinarians commit to sustainable food systems

On 11 June 2021 FVE adopted its position paper on making our food systems more sustainable Throughout this paper, FVE...

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