Working Documents
One of the most important tasks for FVE and EASVO is building up, improving and maintaining links and relationships with the key policy makers in the EU institutions in order to establish and maintain a credibility as a serious player and to influence the decision making process in the EU.
FVE/ FEEVA Best Practice Protocol for Euthanasia of horses 2021
This is a technical position paper for veterinarians on best practice techniques for horse1 euthanasia adopted in June 2021...
Read moreFVE position paper on cannabinoids use in animals and the veterinary profession
On 11 June 2021, FVE adopted its position paper on cannabinoids and their use in animals The use of cannabis and...
Read moreFVE position paper: Moving towards more animal welfare friendly systems for laying hens
On 11 June 2021, FVE adopted its position paper on laying hens and the need to move cage-free farming systems Enriched...
Read moreLivestock infectious diseases – FVE information sheet
With this information sheet FVE aims to help people better understand how infectious diseases emerge and spread between...
Read moreFVE position paper on prevention is better than cure: regular animal health visits make this happen
Prevention is better than cure: regular animal health visits make this happen FVE adopted this position paper in...
Read moreFVE position paper: Anaesthesia of animals = veterinary act
FVE has adopted the position paper on anaesthesia Throughout this paper, FVE wants to oppose the use of veterinary...
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